Friday, February 25, 2011

#263 Act 1 Scene 1

Scene 1
N - A little girl was walking home happily from her friend’s house on one dark, scary night.

Girl : Lalalaala… (singing happily)

N – And she passed by an alley.

G : Hmm.. I think it’s faster if I use this way to go back home.
(Vampires come in)
V1 : Psst. Hey, hey girl.
G: Who me?
V1: Yeah you.
G: Mom?
V1: NO!
G: Grandma?
V2: This girl is silly. Let’s just eat her, I’m starving.
V3: I agree with you.
G: HEY I’M HUNGRY TOO! (said cheerfully)
V1: No little girl, you’re supposed to scream.
Girl: Scream? But why?
V2: Cause, we’re scary.
V3: And we’re going to drink your blood.
G : Okay. So, should I scream like this? Ah?
V1: No, more… scarier.
G : Um. AH!
V2: Something like that, but louder.
V3: I don’t care about her scream. LET’S FEAST!

(vampires jump on girl)

Scene 2

The next day,

Mom: Mayor, mayor! Help me; my child didn’t come home yesterday.
Mayor: This chicken is goooood. Yum yum yum.
Mom: MAYOR!?
Mayor: Fine, anyone who can find the kid gets a reward.
VK: I found her.
Villagers: (GASP!)
VK: I found her in a dark ally. She died of blood loss.
Mom: Who would want to do this!?
VK: Vampires….
Villagers: (GASP!)
Mom: Mayor, can you do something about this?
Mayor: Chickeeeen.. Uh um, yeah. Sure. Kill vampire will get a reward.

Scene 3

VK: Hey, hey, hey vampires. Hey vampires. Come out, come out where ever you areee.
Narrator: Hey, what do you think you’re doing?
VK: Um. Trying to lure the vampires out?
N: Are you serious?
VK: Yeah. Ima vampire killer!
N: A rather lousy one right?
VK: Hey! I’m a professional!
N: Really?
VK: Not really. FINE! I’m an amateur. This is my first time!
N: Okaaayyy.
VK: HEY! Since you’re the narrator, why don’t you call the vampires out? It’ll make things easier.
N: (Sigh) since we’re running out of time ok.

N – Finally the vampires arrived… hungrily.

VK: You guys have finally arrived!
V1: We’re hungry.
V2: You look tasty.
V3: Let’s feast.
VK: Hold it! I’m here to kill you guys and set the villagers free from your wrath!

(V1, V2, V3 laughs)

VK: Stop laughing! I have a paper gun I’m not afraid to use! (takes out paper gun)
V1: OOOOOH! What are you going to do? Give us a paper cut?
VK: As the matter of fact, yes! OW! (drops gun) A PAPER CUT!

(V1,V2,V3 laughs)

VK: I’m not afraid of you guys, what are you going to do? Sparkle me to death?
V2: HEY! We’re not Edward Cullen!
V3: Yeah, we don’t sparkle, right?
V1: Um. Uh. I do. But I can’t sparkle people to death.

(V2,V3 gasp)

VK: Enough! Feast your eyes on GARLIC!
V3: Cool! Our food brought us garlic!
V2 and V1: OH NO GARLIC! (melt)
V3: What? What? Garlic? Um. OH NO GARLIC! (melt)
VK: I didn’t think they’ll fall for a paper garlic. Oh well. Good riddance of you vampires!

Scene 4

Mayor: VK has finally got rid of the vampires
Villagers: (CLAP)
VK: So, where’s my reward?
Mayor: Mmm.. Chicken. Reward!? What reward?
Villagers: The reward you promised!
Mayor: I didn’t promise any reward.
Villagers: (Carries mayor away from stage)
Mayor: (screams)

N – Um, that’s the end I guess. THE END!

N - Narrator. (Haoyii)
V1 - Vampire 1 (Keertana)
V2 - Vampire 2 (Wei Lun)
V3 - Vampire 3 (Terrance)
Mayor - Mayor (Lip Kent)
G/Mom - Girl/Mom (Tze Ying)
VK - Vampire Killer (ME! :)

Yes, the script is written by your one and only 
Vampire killer Kimberly Too
Hope my reader(s) enjoyed it :)

Act 1 Scene 1

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A teardrop of blood