Monday, March 19, 2012

#435 It's Paintball

To make it short.
I wasn't too happy with the results and such.
I don't know
But I get this feeling that my model isn't
Really into it.
The whole bloody thing was awkward and shit
And we didn't go to the place where I wanted too.
The lighting outside was beautiful
And not a shed of dark clouds.
But ah,
Maybe I'll just ask my sister to help me
With the make up and I'll take pictures of myself :C

Paintball today was freaking awesome.
Words can't describe how I feel.
The happiness that contains in me is bubbling with excitement.

The gun I was holding at first had some problems
And the people there changed gun with me and
It was extremely big and heavy.
It was tough for me to run around and shoot
But hell, it was freaking fun.

I have a couple of bruises on my knee
Due to the fact I knelt down pretty hard.
But it was a small price to pay for such a fun day.
Apparently, while standing behind that tree,
Some pervert shot me right in the ass.
Like really on the ass!
It kinda hurt for a while but it's much better now.
Thank goodness for thick pants!

The guys that own the park
Was impressed with me for giving such a
Good performance, heh.

I've realized that I don't have the skill to take
People photos.
Only objects or animals.
I suck as a photographer :C
On the other hand...

Paintball was freaking awesome!

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