Thursday, March 22, 2012

#439 Silently

I'm silently laughing at you behind your back. It may be mean but I just can't help it. You deserve it. I hope your future has install you with so much more terrible things. Oh man. That was so karmatic, I have to put a line between those things I've thought. Maybe that way, Karma might not come for me.

But the both of us know I'm lying.

Thinking back, I had to admit that I was nothing but naive. To top it off, I was a hypocrite, to call you one. Hell, my temper and emotions are always running a mock. Reading my diary and my older posts. Conclusion is that I was a sadist. I wanted to make you feel sad, angry, most of all, pain.

Your pain is my pleasure.

Man, I sound so sadistic right now. But hey, I'm not lying. Honestly, I didn't lie that much when I had a conversational with you. Maybe once in a while, but definitely not all the time. I have secrets too, you know, and girls like you aren't suit to hear them. Why? After hearing them, you'll go like, "Kim, you know you shouldn't do that, it's wrong," Uh, hell yeah I know it's wrong but I find it annoying every time someone says that. Why can't they just you know, leave me be.

But that is what friends are for, I can totally hear you say that. Well, shut it. I don't need to hear that's what friends do crap. Well, maybe not now. Or maybe not from you. Oh God, never from you.

Keep this in mind though, the past is like cuts and bruises. Even if those have faded but it's scared deep in our hearts. This post maybe short but then again, all my posts are short. What I'm trying to say is, I was/am one sadistic bitch and I was/am happy that I've made people around me feel pain. Because without pain, you ain't able to learn things, babe. I've learnt that the hard way myself.

Nights my non existence readers.

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A teardrop of blood