Sunday, June 27, 2010

#163 Burning Flame

My new camera!

Was really bored yesterday.
So I did an experiment
Using a magnifying glass to make burnt toast!
It took a long time for it to toast though,
And it was really hot!
I found out that the candle is the fasters to light up
Among the rest.



The sky.

The man and his dog:

That's a picture of my dad and Jerry.
Anyways, I'm too lazy to write any thing in it.
Going to meet up with my Canadian cousins and uncles and aunties.
It's going to be an awkward moment!

It was really hot!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

#162 Weep Days

That's a picture of my sister with her brand new glasses.
I took it with my new camera!
New camera.

I'll talk about that later on.
It's already Friday.
With a blink of an eye,
The whole week has dissapeared into the thin air.
Where did it all go?
I wonder.

School was such a drag.
On the 23rd of June,
Nothing but bad luck has followed me everywhere.
I don't feel like talking about it.
It'll sound whiny.

I'd like to thank the special people out there for giving me presents.
I'm grateful, really.

Went to Ikano today for dinner.
Ya know the MamaNyonya's chee cheong fun was awesome?
Went to Harvey Norman to check out my mom's stuff and the camera.
I've changed my mind about the model I wanted,
It was chunky and all.
So I bought another awesome one.
Right now it's charging so I can't put up the pictures.

Did you know my sister bought me the latest L.J. Smith story book
As my birthday present!
Oh gosh!
I felt like leaping with joy.
The camera I bought for myself is a birthday give to myself.
Sweet Sixteen?
More like
Sour Sixteen!

Oh and lastly,
I think I'm going to change my blog name.
It sounds emo.
I'm in for a new start and ready to rock and roll.
Might change it into something
Less emo,
More rockish?

New camera

Friday, June 18, 2010

#161 Pavillion

Went to Pavillion today after my sister's trip to the doctor.
Was kinda frustrated cause the line was so long
To her doctor,
But it turned out...

Pavillion was uber cold.
Regreated wearing my knee-length pants there.
Holidays are soon coming to an end.
Should I be greatful?
Or should I be sad?
Mixed emotion is what they call.

Mom said I can get my camera when school reopens.
It was a great and tiring day today.
And there is tuition tomorrow.

Should I be greatful or should I be sad?

Thursday, June 17, 2010

#160 Converse

Went to Sunway Pyramid today with my mom only.
I was surprised to see so many things has changed,
Not only that,
The amount of people there was more than One Utama!

Went into alot of shops.
And guess what?
My mom bought me a pair of converse shoes that cost

Then she bought herself a pair of black converse shirts.
It looked nice on her.
After walking a few rounds,
We went to have StarBucks to have tea!
My very first time drinking StarBucks coffee!
I was in heaven when I tasted my mom's coffee.
I ordered bluerashberry.
Not a very good choice though.
I was avoiding the whipcream and all.
In the end,
My mom couldn't finish her coffee so she let me have hers.

It was a great day today.
Might be going to Pavillion tomorrow.
Check out my awesome pair of charcoal colored shoes!

Converse, I love you
Mom, I love you too

It was a great day today

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

#159 Some Holidays

I remember doing that in form one.
And see how it still stand on my closet door.
I've bought blue contacts.
Haven had the guts to wear them yet.
But, I will wear them.
No way I'm wasting my RM30 on buying stuff that I don't need!

Holidays are boring.
There is noting to do,
No activity,
No nothing!
I'm so sick of staying at home all day long.
I want to go out with my friends,
That is,
If I have any.
I just want to get out of this stupid house.
Everywhere I go,
I see walls caging me in.
School is the same.
There is nothing different!
It feels like my life is craved in a stone.

Everyday I see the sun yet I don't feel it's warmth

Saturday, June 12, 2010

#158 Billabong Advertisment

Gave Jerry dear a bath today.
Poor dog was trying to run away from me.
But in the end,
He gave in cause he liked the way I scratch him.

After his bath,
I found a shirt that can fit him.
I've made him wear the shirt because I don't want
The dirt on the floor to stick on his wet fur.

Isn't he the cutest?
He's wearing my old Billabong shirt.
I had that when I was 9 years old.

Camera quality isn't good.
Mom said I can buy my camera [FINALLY!]
After her friend comes back from Australia.
Cause he works at Harvey Norman as an accountant.
He might have staff discount. [Yeesss]

My dog cam whores better than you!
He'll listen to you when you want to take his picture,
By holding up toast bread with butter.
That's how I made him look at the camera.
Tough, but what to do?
Some dogs are born to be greedy.

But that's how I love my dog.
He's playful, greedy and acts like a cat.
He likes it when people scratch his neck and ears.
He is like a cat in a dog's body.
And that is why I love dear Jerry-Boy.
Oh, and his nick name is Jerry Berry ;D

I love my dog

Thursday, June 10, 2010

#157 Why Me!?

I just logged in my devianART
I have no clue what the fuck is going on
But I'm fucking pissed off about it.
I mean,
Why me?
Why is this all fucking things happening to me?
All 20 art are deleted.
Some of my art has been thrown away by my stupid mom
And it can't be fucking replaced!
It's the fucking holidays and
You're making me depressed?

It can't be fucking replaced

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

#156 Just Kill Me, Will Ya?

Now and then I felt left out.
Many will say,
I totally understand what you mean!
But the thing is,
They don't.
They just say it to make you feel better.
Life has been so boring so far.
Haven get my camera...
Will pursuad mom to buy it this holidays and not year end.

"Are you going out with your friends during this holidays?"
"I have no friends..."

You know what?
Most people from America are friendly.
How would I know?
I made friends with them through devianART.
Nice people they are.

"I have no friends"

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

#155 Uh?

The holidays are really boring.
It's like we want something and when we have it,
We want another thing.
It's stupid.
Why can't humans just be satisfied?

Right now,
I honestly don't know what to write.
One thing I hate a lot is that,
I'm always there for some one,
Yet people tend to use me.
I mean,
I try to do something good.
But it always comes out wrong.
Why is that?

Why can't humans be satisfied?

Monday, June 7, 2010

#154 Things With Wings

That's an original peice by the one and only
Kimberly Too.

Guess who's birthday is it today?
It's Ai Pei!

This handsome dude here:

Mr Too Ka Hoe.
My dad.
He is currently 53 years old!
Long live muh daddy!
And my dad doesn't look that young anymore.
That's a fact.
Got him his favorite choco chip cookies
And candies from Mark and Spencer.

Happy Birthday Daddy.

#153 Read Between The Lines

I've read and re-read what I've wrote.
I'm trying to say the words.
You know I don't like to say it.

In a way,
What I'm trying to say is that,
I'm sorry for all the...
Pissed off,
I've cause to you.
Bet you're glad that we're now not friends eh?

To tell you the truth,
I'm happy for what I did
Yet I've too regreted.
I did that because..
I wanted to hurt you.
So damn much.
But later I've realised,
I've been hurting myself instead of hurting you.
It's like you're an eraser and I'm the glue.
Whatever bad things I've thrown to you,
Will bounce off you and stick on to me.

I highly doubt that you're even reading this blog.
I think.
Maybe not.

So damn much

#152 What Is It Like?

What is it like to have green grass upon your feet?
Cool clear air for you to breathe in.
Freash wind blowing upon your skin.
Clear blue sky above your head.
The clouds parted,
Sending rays of sunlight on you;
Bathing you in it's awesome golden mist.
Just imagine...
I can hear you sigh from here.

I wish Earth is as green as this.
Imagine having a picnic on this soft grass.
Imagine camping out under the sky full of twinkling stars.
Imagine singing out loud with your friends by the camp fire.
Imagine running out in the open.

If only people in this earth stop polluting the air.
Stop killing the poor fishes!
Stop being lifeless and start saving earth.

Earth should be green, not brown

Sunday, June 6, 2010

#151 Remember?

I came across something that made my heart felt.
Remember 'Brave Soldiers'?
If you don't understand what I meant,
It's okay.
Kinda remind me of..
Last time.

I know I'm hopeless to dig this up.
The good times.
The happy times.
I know I was stupid and naive.
I know that I get angry easily.
I know I was a messed up girl.
I know I was filled with anger,
And hatred.
I know I was full of jealousy.
I know.
I know my flaws.
And right now,
I'm trying my best to change myself
Into a better person.

It makes me feel..
Sad to think about the good times.
The one I let go so easily.
The one that I didn't sit down
And try to solve it with you.
I ended it.

I wanted to hurt you.
I wanted to make you cry.
I wanted you to feel how I felt.
The pain and hurt inside.
The hatred and jealousy.
The anger that never fades.

I know it sounds mean.
But that was how I felt.
To make things worst,
My family crisis.
It doesn't stop.

Everyone has a limit
Apparently I too have one.
Remember I once said this to you?
My life is so much better now that we're not friends.

It has its up and downs.
Lefts and rights.
In and out.
Black and white.
[Honestly, I like writing down opposites.]
I miss doing stupid yet memorable things.
I miss staying up all night just talking rubbish to you.
It sounds like I'm talking to my 'love one'
But trust me,
I'm not.
I'm writing to this person.
To a friend whom I've lost,
And was never found.

To a friend.
If you think I'm apologizing,
You might want to rethink.
I have no clue why am I writing this down.
Maybe I just want you to understand
What am I going through.

True I've been much more happier.
But I can still remember that sentence that hurt me.
Physically and mentally.
"I don't have issues. Not anymore."
It hurts you know that?
It hurts a lot.
It made me think,
Have I been an issue to you?
Have I been troubling you for over these years?
Have I always been such a pain to you?
Have I?

What I don't understand
Is that why did you put up to it?
Why didn't you just..
Stop being friends with me after the pain
I've put you in.
You told me,
You win,
I hope you're feeling victorious.
I wasn't satisfied.

I'm a nut case to bring this up.
But whatever right?
I've said this before,
I like to dig up the past yet I wish to forget it.
Where's the delete button when you need one?

I'm trying my best to change into a better person

Saturday, June 5, 2010

#150 Holidays

Adorable mou?
Of course it is.
The first day of holiday
And I sprained my left ankle.
What the hell!?
There so much things to do and I hurt myself?
Way the go, Kimberly.

I hope my leg gets better.
There is so much things that I need to do.
The Spook's Sacrifice came out and I bought it!
Bought 4 comic books.
All together [including the spook] is RM60++
That's alot of cash.
I worked hard to save it.
I felt happy yo!

I sprained my left ankle