Friday, August 20, 2010

#177 A Short Fight

It started on Monday.
Ash and Huiling fought due to something.
I've talked to each of them,
Hoping to find out why are they fighting.
They told me and it made me realized,
I've to fix this.
Their fight...
It's so...
Similar to mine and Marissa's.

I don't want their fight to end up like ours.
I find it stupid and pointless.
On Thursday,
After listening to their complaints,
I came up with an idea.
Both of them tell each other their feelings.
What they hate about each other,
Hoping both of them will listen.
I've convinced them to do so.

A hour and half later of talking,
Telling each other their problems.
Which is mostly the 'ditching thing'.
Reminds me of Marissa and I.
Both of them apologized and hugged.
I was kinda touch to see them being friends again.
I mean they're best friends.
Although Marissa and I aren't best friends,
We were close and I rarely let that happen to me.

After that,
All of us hugged each other and we lived
Happily Ever After.
I can't help wondering,
Why isn't there anyone there to help me?
I mean sure,
I told my friends about how I feel and all.
None of them didn't try to help me
Fix my problems.
It's like I'm standing on my own two feet
All the time
When I sometimes want someone to support me.

I should stop complaining.
Something happened.
Scary to non scary.
Wanna hear bout it?

Lai Kwan's boyfriend was looking for me.
When I first heard it,
My knees were shaking.
Cause I'm afraid something bad happened and all.
I mean,
Why would her boyfriend come find me!?
After school,
He and his gang were looking for me and all.
Finally he came and the first thing that came to my mind
When I first saw him was:
Man! He's short!
That's mean but still!
You know why he went and find me?
He looked at me with this kind of look that kinda scare me.
So, how's my girlfriend.
I was BOMB!
Big time.
So I answered him;
Do you know her situation at her school?
He nodded
And I gave him the look that says
That's how she is right now.

Not much to talk about now.
Exams are over!
For the time being that is.
Mr Tay is leaving school on Wednesday.
Tune in ")

Similar to mine and Marissa's

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A teardrop of blood